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Curriculum & Instruction

The Lone Oak ISD Curriculum is dedicated to excellence in education by creating a curriculum based on the standards provided by the state, TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). The standards are required learning for each student while the delivery of instruction is unique to meet each learners needs. Our curriculum continues to improve and grow with the changing needs of our students, society, and culture. Equal access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum ensures all learners have an equitable learning experience. 

Lone Oak ISD curriculum is a framework to guide teachers and leaders in the design of lesson delivery. Lesson delivery is instruction that is based on the state standards and driven by data to provide challenging and innovative learning experiences. The development of the Lone Oak ISD Curriculum is a teacher-created curriculum which is standards-based and focused on quality assessments, authentic learning, student engagement, and rigorous opportunities.

Disclaimer: Some links contain district-adopted, copyrighted material or content specific to Lone Oak ISD grade level teachers only. 

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LOISD Curriculum

LOISD Instructional Material

All Instructional Materials will be selected using the district process in accordance with Texas State law, Texas Education Agency guidelines, and Lone Oak ISD Board Policy. Teachers will be instrumental in the process of review and selection for grade levels/course Instructional Materials in their area(s) of expertise. Parents, students, and community members will be provided multiple opportunities to provide feedback during the selection process. The Board of Trustees shall approve final selections for new instructional materials selected and ratify the district’s certification of instructional materials EF (Local).