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Assessment Information

The Assessment area serves in various capacities for the district, facilitating all state assessment processes including STAAR (all versions) and TELPAS; collecting, analyzing and reporting a variety of data for district and campus leadership that support and guide district and campus planning; and monitoring compliance with state and federal accountability and reports accountability results. Our team also supports the administration and reporting of other many other assessments such as SAT, ACT, and CogAT, and ensures the timely upload of local, state, and national assessment data into District data systems.

Parent resources regarding state assessment may be viewed on the Texas Assessment website.


LOISD Assessment Calendars

STAAR information and Overview

Universal Screeners

In Lone Oak ISD, universal screeners are used to determine what the student knows and is ready to learn next. Universal screeners are administered three times a year (beginning, middle, and end). The data is used to progress monitor student growth from the beginning baseline data and provide teachers with information for instructional support. Universal screeners are administered in grades PK-8 for literacy and math. See the assessment calendar linked above for information about testing windows.

District Benchmarks

Twice a year, Lone Oak ISD participates in district level benchmark assessments. The district uses the state's Interim Assessments for these assessments. The STAAR/EOC tested subjects will participate. The data provided by these assessments is a predictor of STAAR/EOC performance for students. These assessments provide students with an opportunity to experience the state testing platform and show evidence of growth towards mastery on the state assessments. See the assessment calendar linked above for information about testing windows.